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China's artificial islands |
Posted by: granny girl - 04-22-2021, 03:24 PM - Forum: General Discussion
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We are finally addressing China's move to control the South China Sea.
"[font="Open Sans", sans-serif][i]The Marines will organize into smaller units, supported by un-crewed ships and aircraft, precision strike weapons, and small amphibious landing ships. Their goal is to build a force capable of seizing China’s base in the South China Sea.[/i][/font]
[font="Open Sans", sans-serif][i]The revamping will see the Marines trade in their tanks, artillery, and even some F-35s in return for long-range missiles, unmanned boats and anti-ship weapons as they plan to reorient from essentially a second land army to concentrate on amphibious operations in the Asia-Pacific.[/i][/font]
[font="Open Sans", sans-serif][i]Overall, the aim of the Marines’ new littoral concept is to complement a war at sea by taking over enemy positions on land. The Marines would systematically isolate, bombard, and overrun China’s network of artificial islands in the South China Sea, and then set up air defense and anti-ship batteries to make the space around them hostile to Chinese forces. This would restrict the Chinese Navy’s and Air Force’s room to maneuver, pushing them out into the open water—where the U.S. Navy would take them on."[/i][/font]
Smart Marketers Build Maa-sähköposti Email Lists |
Posted by: arifaakter - 04-17-2021, 06:32 AM - Forum: General Discussion
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Sähköpostiluettelorakennus rakentaa Maa-sähköpostin luettelon kannattajista, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita yrityksestäsi tai antamistasi tiedoista. Maa-sähköposti Esimerkiksi, jos sinulla on blogi, sinun on annettava lähestymistapa henkilöille, jotka vierailevat blogissasi pysyäkseen yhteydessä. Tätä varten sinun on upotettava blogiisi rakenne, jonka mukaan Maa-sähköposti saa vastaanottajan sähköpostiosoitteen sen jälkeen, kun Maa-sähköposti on syöttänyt tiedot helposti saadakseen sinulta päivityksen. Sähköpostiluetteloiden rakentaminen on yksi vakiintuneimmista esittelystrategioista, mutta on samalla avainasemassa yrityksille. Miksi? Sähköpostimainonnan avulla voit luoda Maa-sähköpostisuhteen pilaantuneeseen.
Lähettämällä silloin tällöin viestejä, jotka sisältävät tärkeitä tietoja, jotka ovat tärkeitä pilaantumiselle. Sinun ei tarvitse koskaan roskapostia kadonnut yritysten avaamista. Maa-sähköposti Anna arvo ja pääset pitkälle! Voit testata, kuinka sähköpostilistan rakentaminen sujuu, asettamalla erilaisia tehtäviä ja havainnoimalla, kuinka loppusijainti reagoi välittämiisi tietoihin. Maa-sähköposti Vaihda nimikkeitäsi ja tee ne erilleen erottelemalla, mitkä otsikot toimivat paremmin verrattuna muihin ihmisiin, ja käytä edelleen tällaisia nimikkeitä.
Käytä viesteissäsi kuvia ja varmista, että käytät vain sisältöä. Maa-sähköposti Tai toisaalta mahdollisesti lähetät vain nopean viestin kertoa kannattajillesi, että olet päivittänyt blogisi ja lisäät lyhyen kuvauksen tässä olevasta aiheesta ja lähetät heidät blogiisi lukemaan loput. Maa-sähköposti Todella siinä tapauksessa, että sinulla on verkkoyritys tai fyysinen yritys, jota sinun on koottava loppusumma. Millä muilla tavoilla aiot pitää yhteyttä asiakkaisiisi ja antaa heidän ymmärtää, mitä uusia asioita yrityksessäsi tapahtuu. Sähköpostiluettelon luominen on myös taloudellisesti erittäin taitava eikä se kuluta lompakkoasi. Maa-sähköposti On olemassa monia sähköpostin edistämiskehyksiä, joita voidaan käyttää.
preparedness |
Posted by: 12345485 - 04-16-2021, 02:44 PM - Forum: General Discussion
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I think our biggest risk is not a collapse of the power grid, nor TEOTWAWKI, but financial hardship due to loss of employment, loss of a working partner, changing social circumstances or a slow, insidious reduction of buying power at a time when there is low income. So with this in mind here is a quiz:
- Do you have a full store cupboard to see you through a bad patch of three months? Twelve months? If you need some ideas or help getting going, check out this complete survival food list.
- Do you have a vegetable garden that produces enough fruit and vegetables to be useful?
- Can you survive using only one third of the power that others with the same size family do? Do you know how much power and water you use daily? Do you know how many units of power you use and how much it costs you to oven roast a meal, do a load of washing, use the slow cooker?
- Do you have solar panels or other ways of producing power for your use? Can you use your solar/other power if the grid goes down?
- Do you have access to alternative fuels to keep warm in winter if you cannot afford electricity, oil or gas? If you have to chop wood, are you fit enough/well enough to do it? If it is really hot where you live, do you know how to keep cool without an air conditioner?
- Do you have a form of cooking that is energy efficient depending on where you live? Eg: solar oven or the equivalent of a hay box for cooking in?
- Do you know how long your towels, sheets, tea towels and dish cloths last with normal use? Two years? Ten years? Do you have at least 20 years supply of linen for your current household?
- Do you know where you can buy second hand goods at cents in the dollar? Are you well known and well thought of there, so that if something comes in you are looking for they might put it aside for you?
- Can you make your own soap, washing powder, personal cleansers and moisturizers and do you have a 12 month supply of washing soda, borax, bicarb soda, lye, oil, and essential oils?
- Do you have a system to dry your clothes if you cannot afford to use your drier?
- Do you live within walking distance or cycling distance of the local shops, the library and medical facilities? Are you fit enough to do it?
- Do you grow your own herbs and know how to use them to meet your health needs?
- Have you weaned yourself off medically prescribed medications by improving your health? Or do you have 12 months supply of medications? Do you know how to improve your health after a medical diagnosis without using expensive medications? Do you know the risks of using medical and alternative approaches to managing your health?
- Have you paid off your mortgage or alternatively have 12 months of payments aside for the mortgage or rent?
- If you use a credit card do you pay it off completely each month?
- Do you have sufficient money put away to pay for the next 12 months of insurances, utilities and local government taxes/rates/levies?
- Do you have emergency money put aside for unexpected expenses such as a car crash, unexpected medical expenses or a suicidal child ringing up from the other side of the country or world and you need to get to them?
- Are your hobbies reasonably priced? That is, can you scale them back in times of acute financial shortage while still being able to enjoy them?
- Are you increasing your employment skill sets? If you are retired you still need to be increasing your skills or keeping them current, so that you are perceived as being useful in your community rather than a burden.
- Do you value your possessions and keep them in good order, so they will last longer before you have to replace them?
This is supposed only to be a start. What other questions can you be thinking about?
Filed Under: Finances
snakes |
Posted by: 12345485 - 04-06-2021, 12:45 AM - Forum: General Discussion
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any thoughts on how to get a snake out of a basement. I read snakes don't like sulphur. and it can be bought as ag sulphur at farm stores and it s 10 percent lime. to sprinkle that around. others thought vibrations. What do you think? any ideas?
The Dangerous Results of Multinational Corporate Influence |
Posted by: crazyon - 04-04-2021, 09:02 PM - Forum: General Discussion
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crazyedit: A nice explanation of how multinational corporations control political influence, legislation, the market-prices and ultimately You.
From Sundance April 3, 2021
Consider if you will, the backdrop of current U.S. politics; the influence of Wall Street and the multinationals who align with globalism; the reality of K-Street lobbyists writing the physical legislation that politicians sell to Americans; and then overlay what you are witnessing as those same multinationals now attack the foundation of our constitutional republic. All of this is CORPORATISM, a continuum that people were ignoring for decades…
crazyedit: U.S. Congress-critters have Not written one law since the mid 1990's @ https://deveray.com/showthread.php?tid=120
Read this eye-opening-educational report at https://theconservativetreehouse.com/202...can-voter/
A discussion about Prayer with someone |
Posted by: Rick - 03-28-2021, 06:30 AM - Forum: Theology
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Prayer, some things I've learned over time about it, as I was talking to someone, bringing back things to her memory.
1 - I always ask the Father to wash me in the soul cleansing blood of the lamb and forgive me if I've done things wrong against Him.
So I can
Heb 4
[16b] ...come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.
2 - My prayers seem to get stronger and way more focused when I ask the Lord to put the prayers into my heart that He would have me to pray and to bring them out by His Holy Spirit as I don't always know what to pray for. This seems to help me to focus on God in the heavens and Jesus at His side.
Roman 8
[26] Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.
Proverbs 3
[5] Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
[6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
In the simplest things I want God in my life directing me. The children of Israel were tricked by the inhabitants of Gibeon:
Josh 9
[4] They did work wilily, and went and made as if they had been ambassadors, and took old sacks upon their asses, and wine bottles, old, and rent, and bound up;
[5] And old shoes and clouted upon their feet, and old garments upon them; and all the bread of their provision was dry and mouldy.
The children looked at everything the strangers had, it all appeared old, why ask God, it was simple, they could see with their eyes it was old, go ahead and make an agreement with them, and so they were deceived by the people of Gibeon, they leaned to their own understanding.
I've found that even though everything looks fine and dandy, best to be like Nehemiah and go to the Lord immediately and ask help of Him.
3 - I try to empty my mind of all thoughts / thinking of everything that would take my mind off the Lord in the heavens and distract me.
2 Cor 10
[5] Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God,
The devil loves to get us thinking about what we are going to do after our pray time with the Lord; maybe thinking about a person; something that happened in our past or something someone did or said; or whatever will take your mind off God. You fill in the blank, it doesn't matter how he tricks you and takes your mind off God, he just wants to steal your attention, destroy your power in God and in the end kill your soul or any good you might do because he's destroyed one of the fundamental cornerstones of your spiritual life, focus on God especially when praying.
How many times have I started doing something, dishes and thinking I'll use this time to talk to the Lord, 'praise you Father, thank you Father, praise yo.........', 15 minutes later I'm done with the dishes and I don't remember really talking with my Father. I remember thinking about what I'll do afterwards, maybe what happened at work or what someone said, doesn't matter, my mind was distracted and the devil stole my thoughts and focus after only a few seconds it seemed. He doesn't care how he gets you, as long as he gets you.
Ecc 11
[3] If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth: and if the tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there it shall be.
Whether you fall towards the north or the south, in the place you fall there you are, FALLEN.
The mind is the final battle ground and the devil try’s to steal your understanding, and that's your understanding during prayer of the GREATNESS OF YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER.
When a scribe asked Jesus what is the 1st commandment, Jesus said,
Mark 12
[28] And one of the scribes came, and having heard them reasoning together, and perceiving that he had answered them well, asked him, Which is the first commandment of all?
[29] And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:
[30] And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.
To which the scribe answered Jesus
[32] And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he:
[33] And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength,
The scribe substituted the word 'understanding' for the word 'mind' which Jesus used, and Jesus said to him,
[34] And when Jesus saw that he answered discreetly, he said unto him, Thou art not far from the kingdom of God.
So with your understanding focused on the Father when you pray, directed to God, this is what is pleasing to our Father, and it's a fight sometimes all the time to maintain that focus.
1 Cor
[15] What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the understanding also.
4 - Start your prayer with praising and thanking the Lord, focusing on Him.
Psalms 100
[4] Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.
Praising and thanking God, putting your understanding on Him, your focus on Him when we come into His presence in prayer, acknowledging Him that we need Him and His leading when we asking Him to put the prayers into our hearts and bring them out by His Holy Spirit. By asking Him for help He will give it, Jesus said, 'ask, and ye shall receive'.
These are some things I've learned / experienced, and by no means is it meant to be a guide for prayer. But I learned these things and wanted to share it.
I hope it may be edifying to anyone who reads it.
you shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes |
Posted by: Rick - 03-28-2021, 05:03 AM - Forum: Theology
- Replies (1)
An article by Linda Littlefield, on Luke 2:12, the swaddling-clothes that I found, hope you enjoy it, it added a new dimension to the birthi of Jesus.
On the night of our Savior’s (Baby Jesus) birth, there were shepherds watching their flock. And Angels appeared to them announcing that a child was born. They revealed, “this shall be a sign to you. You will see a baby lying in a manger wrapped in “swaddling clothes”.
These shepherds were extraordinary shepherds. They were called “Levitical Shepherds”. They had been chosen and trained to attend the flock of sheep that were to be used as sacrificial lambs in the Temple. Sacrificial lambs had to be “spotless and without blemish.” They required special treatment and observing. According to the laws of the time, the sheep that were used for the offerings had to be a one-year-old male sheep that had been outside for 365 days (one year). When they were ready, they were taken to Jerusalem to be sacrificed on the Sabbath in the Temple.
When the mother ewe was preparing to give birth, she was taken to a special birth place, or to the only cave designated, to give birth to the sacrificial Iambs. This cave was kept sterile and clean for the arrival of newborn sacrificial Iambs. The newborn lamb was immediately wrapped in clean swaddling cloths to protect them and keep them from blemish and danger. Swaddling clothes described in the Bible consisted of a cloth tied together by bandage-like strips. When the declaration was made to these Levitical Shepherds that watched their sheep in a special field full of sacrificial lambs, they apparently knew exactly where to go to discover that Baby. There were apparently many places that held mangers, but they comprehended immediately where to go to find the babe… to their cave, where their sacrificial lambs were born and wrapped in “swaddling clothes.”
Throughout our years we have heard, seen or listened to the Biblical account of the birth of Jesus. Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem. They traveled to Bethlehem because Caesar Augustus had declared that each person should travel to their town of origin to register in a census. Bethlehem was Joseph’s family village. This was proclaimed to insure that all citizens were correctly paying their taxes.
We know that when they arrived, the small town’s population had expanded significantly because of all those who had come to register. They could find no place to stay and Mary went into labor. They found a person who gave permission for them to stay where animals were sometimes housed. We understand that this was actually a cave and not a little barn type dwelling. As the Baby Jesus was born, it is reported that He was wrapped in “swaddling clothes” and laid in a manger (or feeding trough for the animals).
And these extraordinary Shepherds came immediately to the place where their sacrificial lambs were born to worship our Sacrificial Lamb.
As we enjoy beautiful lights and sounds and gifts this special time of the year. Let us not forget the miraculous beginnings of a Babe] who was called Jesus or Immanuel (God with us). He became our Sacrificial Lamb and is now our Shepherd.
Critical race theory |
Posted by: 12345485 - 03-26-2021, 03:48 PM - Forum: General Discussion
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I hope more teachers like this one come to America.
Advocates of critical race theory have gone too far. Last week, in Loudoun County, Virginia, a group of teachers and education officials were publicly exposed for conspiring to attack parents who challenged abhorrent lessons designed to teach their children to discriminate against groups based solely on their external traits.
The radical ideology these teachers are pushing, known as critical race theory, essentially establishes a new metric for human value, one rooted in Marxism. It’s based on the idea that some people have more worth than others merely because of certain characteristics like race and gender identity rather than their intrinsic human nature.
Critical race theory teaches our children to treat people differently based on their external characteristics. For instance, it would teach my daughter that I am an oppressor by nature of my Hispanic-Caucasian heritage, despite the fact that I’ve defended human rights throughout my career. And that her father, who left her before she was born, is morally superior solely because of his race.
For the past 20 years, I’ve taught human rights and constitutional values. I have seen firsthand the transformation these values have in children and I know what works. And critical race theory, the dangerous and hate-driven academic movement being forced on our children, doesn’t.
These ideas are not new, and I have witnessed the atrocious impact of this thinking before: this is the type of logic applied by authoritarian regimes of the nations in which I have spent much of my life fighting for basic human rights.
In Northern Iraq, the organization I founded, Hardwired, is training teachers how to teach children to think for themselves and value the dignity and freedom of others. I have seen what happens when
children challenge the ideas of hate and intolerance imposed on them by ISIS terrorists: they are able to defend people who are different from them and reject violence.
Quote:Open dialogue, challenging ideas and allowing robust intellectual diversity are the only healthy ways to build cultures of respect.
To rescue these children from recurrent violence, they must become resilient against hate and intolerance. That will never happen if they’re brainwashed by prejudice and bigoted thinking. Rather it will happen when they’re trained to think critically and to value the freedoms of others.
Critical race theory would tell these children that because of the oppression they endured, people who shared their ethnicity are inherently superior and of more value than those who shared ethnic traits with the perpetrators of the oppression.
According to the logic of critical race theory, Yezidis and Christians in Iraq should condemn all Muslims as oppressors because they share the same faith as members of ISIS. Critical race theory would reinforce hate and violence between groups; it would do nothing to help children overcome the intolerance they’ve been taught.
the same holds true in our schools. As a former schoolteacher, I taught children how to think and treat others with the respect and dignity upon which our nation was founded: that all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights. I taught my students about the U.S. Constitution and how to think critically. I taught my students how to think, not what to think.
Open dialogue, challenging ideas and allowing robust intellectual diversity are the only healthy ways to build cultures of respect. Silencing dissent, as critical race theory advocates are doing, is no different than the brainwashing methods of ISIS and every other authoritarian regime in history. And instead of unity, it creates greater divisions.
While Virginia’s schools shame parents who oppose critical race theory, dividing families and communities, leaders such as Gov. Ron DeSantis in Florida are removing it from schools. It is time the rest of the country follows suit.
Not one cent of taxpayer dollars should go to teaching kids to hate others. Instead, our schools must get back to the basics and help children flourish alongside one another in a pluralistic society.
As parents, we must recognize the equal and inherent dignity in all people and oppose any indoctrination plan that reinforces hate. Only then can we truly stamp out bigotry. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/critical...na-ramirez