01-13-2023, 05:40 PM
(01-09-2023, 01:45 PM)Jeff74996 Wrote: He's wrong on the four beasts, but partially right in his association with "the first beast of Rev. 13" with "the little horn of Dan. 7". Yet when I thought he was on to something, he went off the rails. Some of what he is preaching you can find in nearly every Bible commentary. The four-beast interpretation, Babylon, Medio-Persia, Greece and Rome (rehashing Daniel 2) is not accurate, though they all teach it. Starting off with that understanding has led to many wrong conclusions. MANY. John MacArthur, David Jeremiah, J. Vernon McGee (and I like these guys), and many others have fallen into the misinformation trap - because all of them merely took what was handed down over the centuries - beginning with a church father named Hippolytus who came out with that interpretation (Babylon, Medio-Persia, Greece, and Rome) around AD 200 (and he probably got it from someone before him). A wrongly guided start will always lead to a wrong destination.Thank you Jeff for your thoughtful response! I rememeber Renee with fondness; she was wise and sincere.
I do not doubt the man's sincerity, and he certainly has passion to preach the Word. I never heard of him before but looking him up he is a millionaire. Probably very famous in his circle of influence. But the SDA denomination he represents is wrong on a lot of things, and has an obsession with the Roman Catholic Church, which also affects the accuracy of its theology.
I do not come close to his credentials in publicity, power and influence. Just a poor fellow trying to survive on a meager income over my head in debt with a shovel about the size of a spoon to dig out of it. Interestingly, God reveals things to people like myself - 1 Cor. 1:27; and others who truly seek, hoping to find.
Yes, I have found the answer and unpackaged this riddle of these four beasts. Nobody else has it. I've searched the Internet, and nobody has it.
But suffice it to say that it is not too difficult to find out, if you really look. I'm not giving it away. I had to find it, so now you have to look for yourself.
But here's a clue, from a former MC member (not myself - though I am one): phrase in Daniel 7:17 - "shall arise". Let that sink in, and start thinking, and searching - and thank "Renee" for pointing that out to me. Now meditate on the Word, and focus. And follow what you see without the hype of the millionaire preachers. Test every thought that comes to you. Check the national histories on the web for the nations you consider, and look for similarities to the symbolism provided in Daniel 7, as well as for progression and order. God is real, and Jesus is coming - and we are a whole lot closer to the end than many people realize.
In past years I have shut out all comentary and simply read and re-read the Word cover to cover and over again. Few if any have full revelation and those who believe they know it all are most likely to be decieved in my opinion.
I believe He will show me what I need to know as situations unfold through the Word I've hidden in my heart and as His Holy Spirit brings it to my remembrance.
Thank you for the clue; I will chew on that in days to come! I believe Christ in me is arising as He desires to also arise in all believers in this day. I believe the words we speak affect many things and especially as we come into agreement with others in His Word. I see men today (fleshly, out of the Earth) who think themselves to be gods and while acknowledging the God of the 'Hebrew' Bible, declaring themselves superior and declaring what they will do to 'improve' on His creation. What arrogance! They cannot acknowledge Jesus came in the flesh though.
We seem to be in days similar to the days of Naoh...
I too fear somewhat for those who have studied previous teachings and believe simply because so many others followed that path. Their interpretation may even be correct to a degree but there are many depths and layers to be seen. It is dangerous to follow other men's revelation without relationship through Christ bringing our personal revelation.
Having said all that I do occasionally hear a point of view so different than what I've considered it takes my attention for awhile as I search to determine what bits of truth might be contained. As you say, some start well and then go off the rails. I'm thinking He gives a revelation and we overcorrect and land in the opposite ditch. As long as we don't believe we have 'arrived' He will eventually get us back on track.
I DO believe His second coming could be very very close and also that our actions and response in this day is critical. Definately not a time to be caught sleeping.