Posted by: Anti-Fed - 01-26-2021, 03:33 AM - Forum: Political
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Just look at the list of these most recent "speaking fees". For a dunce in economics and with policies implemented at the Fed that were and continue to be ruinous to this nation, what could she possibly speak of that anyone would find worthy? Obviously it's the unspoken do me a favor or pay back for a favor sort of thing.
I am unable to insert an image as I am directed to insert a url so I'll just pass onto you here, a link that also shows some big $ going to Hillary. I wonder if Trump will be on the "speech circuit" as well. Once you are embedded in the system there is money coming from everyone that is conferred by select entities without their approval so whatever business they are in ends up costing more for those whom utilize their service. Wealthy gain, poor and middle class lose. Obama does it; they all do it.
I can see it now:
George Washington Carver on the $1 bill
The Japanese guy from Happy Days series on $2 bill
Pocahontas on the $5 bill
Bruce Lee on the $10 bill
Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill
Cesar Chavez on the $50 bill
Whitney Houston on the $100 bill
That is the estimate I just discovered. Now, I will not make any sort of judgment on those who are trans-gendered. I think much of this arises from external sources. The direction of trans is usually male to female.
What I want to bring up simply is the numbers are so incredibly high and to point out what I think are the causes. Opine pleasantly.
1) feminist movement empowering women to act terrible
2) government laws, company policies aligning with the feminist movement which reinforces and represses males
3) bisphenol-A leaching into environment from certain plastics and from more direct way of drinking from certain plastic containers
4) greater amount of soy eaten
5) hormonal compounds in birth control pills cycling in environment, finding its way into the water supply
6) media reinforcing powerful women, sometimes making the men look stupid
7) partly from feminist movement, more single moms raising kids and profoundly affecting male children more (won't go into how females tend to become more sexually active as this isn't a gender identity issue)
1) COVID deaths
2) deaths from COVID "vaccine"
3) deaths from suicide
4) less births - cannot meet up to have a relationship if not already in one, if in a relationship and seeing the state of this world, likely not want to put another being through this muck.
The agenda is apparently working. Just a few billion more to go.
I wouldn't mind this shutting down temporarily if only to get the overly manipulated up stock market down, but as even happened today, the DOW down more than 400 points and got swiftly manipulated up. Sad the many who sold their souls and are otherwise ignorant of going long the market as the inflation helped produced by the many in the middle class doing this actually hurts them and the rest in middle class. That inflation comes back around in housing and in other things costing more. Only those at the high end of the middle class are able to counter the inflation effects (with few exceptions).
News just out. What a fake savior Trump turned out to be. I lost lots based in part from what a fraud he ended up being. I voted for him in hoping he'd do something about the big fat ugly bubble stock market he spoke of when campaigning. Who'd know he'd flip-flop on the American people to promote the hell out of it. As if it wasn't bad enough under Obama, it ended up being much worse under Trump.
So now, in the ending hours, look at what he has now done.
I find it odd that in many who claim to be conservative, they think it's fine to accumulate property to make money off of others, causing undo hardship and then when there's so much oppression they cry when social help is provided to counter the harm they created. Being conservative in all things, there would be plenty of property on the market that would be far more affordable than now. Taking so many homes off the market by the few raises the cost of living for the rest. Where's the conserving in this? Accumulating is not conserving. Wasting resources is also not conservative. Many even think nothing of firing off a thousand rounds of ammunition in a weekend, not caring of all the material that went into it. Such persons in defense might say "so what, I paid for them", as if that actually addresses the issue.
If conservative, do you strive to not waste food? How many really make certain to use food before spoiling? From, the average American family throws out $1,600 in produce each year. I'm guessing that would mean a $3,200 loss by liberals and $0 for conservatives or perhaps it's more balanced?
Look at how there's no desire for a balance budget and to think Janet Yellen might be confirmed as the next Treasury Secretary. Why would conservatives want her in unless wanting to divert more of the people's money to the wealthy? She was instrumental in the financial assault on this country with the Federal Reserve's QE. She even wants government to buy stocks directly which is akin to communism. Driving up our debt to give more to billionaires is not something I want.