Apparently from a compilation of reports I've seen, Fakebooks DNS records have been flushed and is for sale. (((laughin)))
And employees can't enter the building cuz their badges won't work and DNS servers are bein hammered cuz all the 'Fakebookers' are tryin to find Fakebook and Fakebook is losin 160 million bucks an hour.
What are your thoughts on this lady who killed a young man because she pulled out of the base on the wrong side of the road and did not realize it until meeting him on a curve going into the village? Should she have just stayed in England to face the charges?
Sure would have saved the US a lot of scrutiny.
President Joe Biden’s administration announced Thursday that the Department of Homeland Security will no longer use horses during border patrol operations after a number of reports, including the El Paso Times and USA Today, mistakenly identified horse reins as whips earlier this week and sparked outrage.
crazyedit: Most city folk wouldn't know the difference between a sire n' a mare...But these horses were wild mustangs donated by the feral goobermint after being captured in the high desert...They were to be Put to Death before being donated to the 'border patrol' and
The Fed's who're rounding up wild mustangs for Dog Food are the real animal abusers. The demtards don't want y'all to know any of this.
History: Back in 1846-48 we used "Mustangs" n' Colt Walkers, Springfields n' Mississippi Rifles to Win the war against the Mexican marauders/scallawags/pendejos; and we went Deep Down into Mexico
Another Coded Transmission From The Rebel Alliance – Intellectual Froglegs
From The Rag Tag Bunch at TCT, September 18, 2021 | Sundance
The rebellious insurgent, known as Joe Dan Gorman, has surfaced long enough to transmit another broadcast in a coded frequency only receivable by patriots with a funny-bone. This natural filtration process ensures communists and leftists are incapable of receiving it. The message comes from deep in the bunker of the underground network.
The dark forces of Big Tech are continually attempting to locate and block the rebellious insurgent. See message HERE @
This is the meat of the Cov19 depopulation agenda. All of this started over 100 years ago and its the same corporate players today; Some of this was covered by DR. Francis Boyle(the gentleman who wrote the U.S. Bioweapons laws as they are to be followed today)...Let us begin >>>
CORONAVIRUS: A Globalist Bioweapon Created by DARPA, Big Pharma, Bill Gates and his British Overlords
Yeah over 100 years ago >>> Quote: For our regular readers, remember that Burroughs Wellcome & Co. bankrolled the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 and Empire Press Union with British MI6, MI5 and GC&CS (renamed GCHQ in 1946) formed a month later. Burroughs Wellcome & Co. supplied medical kits full of experimental vaccines to the British 2nd Boer War The Second Boer War (11 October 1899 - 31 May 1902)that killed over 60,000 blacks and whites in the world’s first modern concentration camp vaccine experiments.
Today >>> U.S. Pat. No. 10,130,701. (Nov. 20, 2018). CORONAVIRUS. Assignee: THE PIRBRIGHT INSTITUTE, Pirbright, Great Britain), funded by Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, EU. U.S. Patent Office...More Links can be seen Here @
If one does not live in the Freedom of the Lord and one gets nervous
easily, One should stop reading Now.
OK, that said,lets dig deeper The COVID-19 Sham: Global Elite Caught Red-Handed Committing Genocidal Crimes
When you inject a known toxin into a person, you are actually injecting an agent of death. David Martin, PhD., intellectual property-patent expert, U. of Virginia School of Medicine professor
quote: Over a half dozen years ago I wrote a Global Research article entitled “The Globalists’ New World Order: Soft and Hard Kill Methods. An Unknown and Uncertain Future. Aside from all-out manmade nuclear war or cataclysmic natural disasters such as enormous volcanic eruptions, large meteors colliding with earth or another Planet X pass-by, the globalists’ latest fast kill method – promised for years by the ambassador of doom and gloom himself Bill Gates, is now unfolding at breakneck speed.
For many years Bill Gates has been near matching the US government as the largest financier of the corrupt and scandalous World Health Organization (WHO), a major player in the Coronavirus debacle. When in May 2020 President Trump wisely announced that he was “terminating” the government’s relationship with WHO, that by far had contributed more money annually than any other nation in the world, it would prompt Bill Gates to commit another quarter billion to WHO to match his investment in Covid-19 companies, on top of the $5.5 billion he already parleyed to buy influence and power over the planet’s foremost health authority.
The rush order on the vaccine rollout was already waiting in the wings with patents galore as the genocidal cabal’s pharmaceuticals like Moderna and Pfizer are providing the hidden bioweapon delivery system with their death jabs.With the innocuous phantom virus quickly followed by the vaccines, the psychopathic cabal set up the panicked public to be on the receiving end of its one-two killer punch. Gates and Fauci and complicit media spread false panic globally laying the groundwork for the now mandated, forced vaccination agenda that’s the elite’s depopulation bio-weapon of mass destruction.
Continue reading the whole report (it will take one a while to read it all and assimilate the magnitude of the fraud). Many links are provided in the report (numbered in each paragraph) as well as a long list of Intelligence-Links are presented at the bottom of the report here >>>
GOD BLESS and Plead the Blood of Jesus over All Your Loved Ones
Remember, In God WE Trust and Freedom in the Lord comes from His Grace
Apparently the internet has been turned off for people in Australia
That is the only reasonable explanation for how their political leadership can keep claiming that vaccinated people cannot contract the COVID virus.
This claim is empirically refuted by every other nation who is seeing vaccinated people contracting COVID and “some” being hospitalized regardless of their vaccine status.
Read More at Australian State Premier Announces All Non-Vaccinated Citizens Will Be Locked Out of Economy, Freedom Only Permitted to Vaccinated